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Words From Our Clients
I went into the Day Program when I was 15 years old. I hated everyone and mostly didn’t like myself much. I never met a counselor or authority figure that I didn’t want to argue with or defy until I arrived at Aspire. They made me laugh and more than anything, they understood me and how I felt. They were able to relate to me because they struggled in high school too. I loved the program and actually wanted to stay longer after I completed. From screaming at my mom in the car on the way there saying I am not going in to not wanting to leave, it makes me laugh now. I am now in college and owe a lot to Aspire because they helped me realize that I needed to “just take the help”!
- Marissa
As a parent I was hesitant to put my son in treatment. It was so hard to discern typical teenage behaviors from a real problem that could continue and cause him long term suffering.
After meeting the staff at Aspire, I knew right away that this was the right choice. The Day Program gave me my son back! He’s still a teenager but now our home has laughter, communication, and trust again. This program was so much more than drug treatment, it’s life lessons that they never want to hear from us,(the mom).. As one of the Aspire counselors always said, “Pray for the stranger to carry the message”. Now, my son is a senior in high school, his grades have gone up, he makes better choices, and more than anything, he has a newfound confidence in himself that is so beautiful to see. I am forever grateful to Aspire.
- Janet R.
I’ve known one of the Aspire counselors since I was 16 and attended their intensive outpatient program in 2010. I stayed in that program for close to a year and then readmitted due to relapse at the age of 17. Even 11 years later I always reference my counselor and the impact they had on my life. Their compassion and understanding along with the natural gift to relate and understand addicts is unlike anyone I’ve come across.
My counselor planted the seed for my recovery and motivated me to want to overcome my addiction. They truly were and still are someone I aspire to be like. I remember how much I looked forward to attending IOP and individual sessions with them, they were able to get through to me and open my perception better than therapists I spent years working with.
I stayed in close contact with my counselor, I loved connecting with them and telling them my milestones and always having their constant support. Here I am years later with almost 7 years clean and the one person that always comes to mind for my journey of recovery is my counselor. Now working in this field for 5+ years I see how rare it is to have individuals that continue to carry that passion and ability to impact so many lives.
- Alexandra Horan, Regional Outreach Coordinator, Atlanta Detox Center – Atlanta Center for Mental Health - Georgia Addiction Treatment Center
Our son was in the darkest of places for a long time, but, thanks to Aspire, he is one of the brightest spots in our family today! Our son began his scary and ugly journey only three years prior. His swift downward spiral could have put him in grave danger. Thanks to Aspire, and a strong will, he has come out of this in such great spirits and with a strong determination. Aspire recognized the need for our son's treatment to be escalated to an in-patient facility for a more tailored and maximized approach. He now has a new path in life and has the tools to succeed. Words can't express how grateful we are! Aspire has a great approach to helping these kids. They are warm and inviting, yet strong and firm. They have a keen sense, are extremely knowledgeable and really know how to talk to them with respect and dignity. All qualities that lead to many great successes.
Forever grateful,
- Maria M